
Kabir Sahib Ji described the three Gods in the Gita chapter 15, verses 16-17  Kshar Purush, Akshar Purush, Param Akshar Purush .
That is, Brahma, Parabrahma, the Ultimate Purn Brahm.

God Kabir came and told the true devotional method, which is very simple, and can be done with everyday work.

नाम उठत, नाम बैठत, नाम सोवत जाग वे।

नाम खाते, नाम पीते, नाम सेती लाग वे।।

Kabir saheb deciphering the sceret tells that they only enhanced the cloth of dropadi saree. Also they killed the hiranyakashipu.

Kabir saheb explained to dharmdas ji that he remains in search of hus beloved souls to make them free from kaals trap by telling them real spiritual knowled



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