
God Kabir comes in all the four yugas
In Satyug, Lord Kabir is known by the name of Sat Sukrit; 
in Treta, God is known by the name of Muninder;
Karunamay is God's name in Dwapar and in Kalyug,

God manifests and is known by His real name, that is

Kabir Dev (Lord Kabir).
When Lord Kabir Dev descended in the form of Sat Sukrit in Satyug, He used to impart His True Spiritual knowledge to saints and devotees but the saints did not accept it. Instead of calling the Supreme God as Sat Sukrit, they started calling Him "Vaamdev".

Lord Kabir descends in all four yugas to propagate His True Spiritual knowledge
Satguru Purush Kabir hain, Charon yug parvaan.
Jhoothe Guruva marr gye, hog ye bhoot masaan.
Meaning: Almighty Lord Kabir Himself descends in all four yugas. The fake saints, by following the incorrect methods of worship, become ghosts after their death.
Yajur Ved- Adhyay No. 29, Shlok No. 25; (Translated by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj) When Almighty God manifests on earth, at that time, all saints and mahatmas are found following arbitrary methods of worship, leaving scripture based worship aside. Then, Almighty Lord Kabir Himself descends as a Messenger of His Tatvagyan (True Spiritual knowledge).
God Kabir comes in all the four yugas
The body of Lord Kabir does not have a vascular system, is not made up bones and the five elements (tatvas). It is made up of a "single element of divine light". Almighty Lord Kabir appears here, whenever He feels like doing so. He never takes birth from a mother because He Himself is the creator of all souls.
Complete God Kabir Dev (Supreme God Kabir), even prior to the knowledge of the Vedas, was present in Satlok, and has also Himself

appeared in all the four yugas to impart His real knowledge.


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